Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Capitalism role of the government

Government exists in all kinds of society including Bangladesh. Without
government we cannot think of a state. To define a state it must have land,
population, government and sovereignty. However rules and regulation of the
state are not the same between capitalist and communist country. In communist
country the size of the government is bigger relative to the size of state in terms
of action and responsibilities to bear by the government. In a capitalist country
government is small relative to the size of the state. It means that government
responsibilities, function are minimum under capitalism. The main objectives of
the state is to protect its people, provide their safety-net, maintain law and order
and the judiciary system. In addition it is the responsibility of the all kinds of
government under capitalism and communism to build up the social capital
including road, bridge, culvert, educational institution, hospital, utility services
including gas, water, electricity etc. However, in communist country there is no
such thing like a private property right. For example in China every piece of
land belongs to the state. In communist country people may rarely have their
own business. Most business belongs to the government under communism,
where government does bear the responsibility of profit and loss. State is the
owner of the business. Labor market is well controlled by the government under

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