All the human beings are assumed to be rational. They are brought up in the family under the close care of their parents. The parent does not intend to make a difference in rearing, bearing &...
Flexism Theory is a political economic theory. Flexism Theory accommodates all kinds of flexibility and diversity of various political economic theory to achieve the objective of maximizing the human...
Government exists in all kinds of society including Bangladesh. Without government we cannot think of a state. To define a state it must have land, population, government and sovereignty. However...
Invisible Hand is something which cannot be seen with our eyes. For example, if a house is surrounded by the tree, it is then invisible from the road. ‘Hand’ means a kind of physical strength or...
In every developing country inflation of some kind occurs along with economic development which is called natural inflation. The rate of this natural inflation is more or less 5%. If the inflation...
The private university Act is one of the significant and a very effective measure of the past political governments. During the B.N.P government the private university Act was passed in 1992. The...
By birth human beings are discriminated; some are well-off, some are partially well-off and some are poor. Among the poor community a large section is poor by birth. It is not an offence. They are...
Rein and bridle are two synonymous word, the meaning of which is the same or similar. Rein is a long narrow band of leather that is used to fence around a horse’s head in order to control it....
The objective of education is to develop the human life comprehensively. It can be said elaborately that the objective of education is to form a constructive and virtuous society showing respect to...
Since the independence of Bangladesh, we do not have any inter-regional transit facility just by being the fact that some neighboring countries including Bangladesh have been remaining anti-Indian....